Ramblings from the Miller Haus

This simple blog is my musing and rambling as I strive to be a servant of the Lord and seek to become a noble wife and mother.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Laundry Day...well DAYS

Wash on Monday,

Iron on Tuesday

Mend on Wednesday

Churn on Thursday

Clean on Friday

Bake on Saturday


Many of you know of my love of hanging laundry outside to dry.  We are into our fourth month of not using an electric dryer. At first I was not sure if I could handle it, but now it's become a routine and we appreciate the lower power bills and the fresh, windblown laundry.  

As spring approaches each year I move from my indoor drying racks to my clothesline.  Shortly after we moved into this house I fashioned a temporary clothesline from a tree to a nail on the wooden fence. My dear husband commented that I needed a 'real' clothesline and gifted me with nice while vinyl clothesline poles and four lines.  My mother-in-law's first comment was "why would you NEED four lines."  I laugh now as I see four lines of laundry flapping in the breeze. It sure doesn't take long to fill up those lines.  

My favorite clothespin bag

My dear husband tells tales of his boyhood and hanging out diapers on the clothesline in the freezing cold. His little hands were so cold and the diapers froze on the line.  Growing up in an Old Order Amish home, this was the routine. Being the oldest child he quickly learned that he was Momma's helper.  I smile when I think of that little Amish boy who is now my husband. (No, he doesn't help with laundry now! tee hee )

Everyone needs a little Yorkie to watch you work!
I like to listen to the sounds of our little village when I'm at the clothesline. If I'm early enough I can hear the sounds of work trucks and semis on the nearby state route.  Birds singing. The clock tower chiming the hour from the courthouse.  If school is in session I might hear the school children playing from a few blocks away.  An occasional airplane if it's aerial planting time.  For the most part our skies are clear with no chemtrails from aircraft.  It is also a good time to pray!

      I find you so close to me right here, dear Lord.
Surrounded by the dirt and scattered clothing of my family, I find this an ideal spot to pray with you. No one comes near here so it is quiet, and it gives me a chance to reflect on the many blessings of my life.
As I pick up their clothing and sort it, I ask you to give each of them what is needed most in their lives.
I fill the washer with my husband’s shirts and socks, and ask that you bless him as he wears them to work each day. Give him the grace to see that his work is holy and open his eyes to see the sacredness of each moment of life.
As I sort the tiny socks or the overalls of the children, I smile and remember how blessed I am to have them in my life.
I sort the larger teenage clothing and wonder at how fast these clothes have become larger sizes – and how quickly children grow up. I ask your help as I guide them through each new phase of their lives.
Give me a love that is endless, a heart that forgives them and the humility to ask for their forgiveness when that is right. Help me keep them from danger, and help me to let go and trust you when it is time to do that.
I try so hard to be perfect but lead me to remember that it is here in the smudged, disorganized and disheveled part of life that I find you the nearest.
Thank you, dearest Lord, for so much grace in my life!
— Source: Creighton University.
Look at that sky full of puffy little clouds!

I used to try and do my laundry all on one day, but with our current washing machine it takes a very long time to wash one load.  This machine is supposed to be a water efficient machine, but it infuriatingly slow.  So I end up doing laundry almost every day, especially when nice weather is forecasted.  During the winter months I will dry on racks in the house. This adds some nice humidity to our dry air. The drying racks I use are nice sturdy wooden ones from a local Amish hardware store.  They will hold an entire load of laundry.  I also dry on our covered patio if rain is predicted.

One tip I have found helpful for line drying is to hang shirts on hangers before putting on the clothesline.  My sister in law introduced me to the idea of putting a length of plastic 'chain' onto the clothesline by threading it onto the line. This will make hooks for the hangars to hang. The laundry on the hangers will stay in place and not blow off the line.  The resulting drying will be mostly wrinkle free!

Another thing I try to do is wash out dark items inside out and hang this way on the lines.  This will help prevent fading during washing and drying.  For jeans I hang them from the hem and allow the waist to hand down. This seems to dry quicker and prevents too many wrinkles.

Here is a quick homemade stain remover/pre wash recipe I've been using for years.
Remember to use the original Blue Dawn dishwashing liquid, no substitutes.
Using equal amounts of blue Dawn dishwashing liquid, ammonia and warm water mix in a spray bottle. Label your bottle :)  My original recipe included 6 Tablespoons of baking soda. I no longer add this due to a clogged sprayer every time!  The cleaning power seems the same without it.

This is one of my favorite blogs. She has an entire section devoted to laundry with printables and inspiration!

Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth

1 comment:

  1. I hate my new water saving washer. Sometimes I go down and trick it into adding more water for the rinse and I keep my loads small. It's ok since we don't use many clothes anymore but I still have the old one and might talk S into fixing it one day. We don't even have a water shortage and have our own well.
